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Yoga and Meditations

Who is Adiyogi and Adiguru in detail research, "Truth or just a fantasy"!

Adiyogi means the first yogi, who created the secret of yoga and also transmitted this to his seven disciples (Saptrishis) and that is why he became Adiguru, means the first guru. He is also known as Shiva.

Published on 1 October 2024

Author: Kranti Sudarshan

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Shiva is acknowledged not merely as a god in Hinduism but also as the origin of yoga, commonly known as Adiyogi. It is said that during an era when the principles of yoga and meditation were not in existence, Shiva created the secret knowledge of yoga and practised it for a prolonged duration. That is why he is known as the first yogi, Adiyogi. Later, he transmitted this wisdom to humanity with his seven disciples or Saptrishi. 

When Shiva transmitted this secret of yoga to his seven disciples for the very first time, he became Adiguru, the first Guru. It was about the substance of creation and emancipation. His coming converts were seven ancient Rishis, or Saptrishi, who played a crucial role in spreading the sutras(formula) of yoga to humanity far and wide all over the world. The Saptrishi, with their deep understanding of yoga, became the torchbearers of this ancient wisdom, ensuring its preservation and dissemination.

When Parvati saw Shiva unveiling the secret knowledge of yoga to his seven disciples, she insisted on sharing the secret with her, too. Then Shiva told her to sit on his lap and became the perfect being of this universe, half-feminine and half-masculine, the epitome of balance, and he became Ardhnarishwar(half-feminine and half-masculine)

History of Yoga and transmission of yogic sciences

Yoga, with its roots stretching back to the dawn of civilization, is a wisdom that predates the earliest religions or belief systems. It is a timeless tradition that has been passed down through the ages, offering a profound connection to our ancient past.

According to yogic lore, which refers to the traditional teachings and histories passed down through generations in the yogic tradition, Shiva is the first Yogi or Adiyogi and the first guru or Adiguru. He is the origin and first practitioner of yoga, known as the first yogi or Adiyogi. On the foothills of Himalayas near the banks of Lake Kantisarovar several thousand years ago, Adiyogi transmitted his profound and secret knowledge to his seven disciples, the seven sages or Saptrishis, and he became the first guru, Adiguru. The  Rishis carried his most important yogic wisdom to different corridors of the world, including Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and South America. Most interestingly, ultramodern scholars have noted and marvelled at the closeness of parallels between ancient civilizations spread across the globe. Still, in India, the yogic system had set up its fullest expression.
This culture was charted around one central yogic way of life by Rishi Agastya, one of the Saptrishi, who travelled throughout the Indian subcontinent.

What is Yoga, and what does yoga really mean?

Yoga is not just about physical postures or breath control. It is a profound technology and wisdom that can transform the very nature of our existence, unlocking our fullest potential and leading us towards a life of fulfilment and balance.
When you say yoga, generally, what people will think is some impossible posture. However, posture is just a minuscule part of yoga, which is not what yoga really means. Yoga means union, i.e. one. So when you and your creator become one, when Atman and Paramatman become one, when Shiva and Shakti become one, when Ida and Pingala become one, when masculine and feminine become one. When there is no difference between your geometrical structure and this universe, you just become one with cosmic geometry, and then we say you are in yoga.

According to Patanjali, there are eight limbs of yoga

1. Yama:- what not to do 

2. Niyama:- what to do.

3. Aasana (postures):- aligning yourself to reach the ultimate.

4. Pranayama:- To have control over your breath.

5. Pratyahara:- Entering from outer to inner self, the very core of yourself.

6. Dharana:- To hold on to one thing.

7. Dhyana:- to hold on to just one point.

8. Samadhi:- when there is no difference between this and that.

So you can see here that postures or Asana are only one limb of yoga, which is fundamentally 84 in number. Over time, many masters and yogis added variations and modifications, and now more than 700 postures are practiced all over the world.

Videh-Isha Hatha Yoga is a way to learn the roots of yoga and have a personalised practice or Sadhana. This will surely help you reach the peak of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

What does it mean to be a Yogi? 

When an urge or awareness to know yourself beyond these boundaries arises within us, seeing to know activates within, within the very core of yourself. In yoga, we say you are on the path of yoga. But that longness and awareness should be there, at least a little flame to know and seek, and then you are on the path of yoga. 

That experience of oneness can happen even within a second, or it may take years and years, lifetimes and lifetimes, but that longing continues. The whole purpose of this birth and cycle of birth continues because there is one goal, and that is to know, to know yourself, nothing else. The way to get rid of this is to choose the path of yoga and become a yogi, where there is no difference; the only experience is oneness. 

Time ticks with every movement, reminding you that you are not forever. Become aware of this little time that you have and choose the path of yoga. Videh is a platform that offers yoga tools to help you on your path to becoming a yogi. Join us to learn more about the wisdom of Adiyogi, yoga, and the yogi. 

What Constitutes Yogic practices and Yogic kriyas?

In yoga, they say, and Sadhguru mentioned that Shiva unveiled only 112 ways to know yourself fully, and no more ways exist. From that, we are here to guide you about the hatha and kriya yoga systems. The basis of all the practices is to cleanse the whole system, which means cleansing the five elements or Panch Bhutas.  

Hatha yoga practices 

First, we will understand what hatha yoga means. Ha means sun, Tha means moon, and yoga means union. Life is possible on this planet only due to the sun, and the birth of a human being is directly synched with the moon. So, hatha yoga is about uniting oneself with the source of life and birth. The hatha yoga practices are designed in the way that you align your geometry with cosmic geometry. The hatha yoga tools that classical hatha yoga offers are totally based on human structural mechanics and its a calculated methodology to get mastery over the human system and go beyond your physical boundaries. 

Videh | Classical hatha yoga offers various hatha yoga practices based on one's personal needs and requirements for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. If you want to know more about these practices, you can visit our yoga or services page. If you wish to have a personalised consultation, you can visit our consultation page or contact us for further guidance.

Kriya  yoga practices

When you perform a certain action in the outer world, in yoga, we say this is Karma yoga. And when you work in your inner space with your energy, we call it kriya yoga. Basically, all kriya yoga practices are based on your prana, and to work on your prana, the starting point for us is your breath. In yoga, we do pranayama. What does pranayam mean? Prana means your basic life energies, and yama means to have control. So pranayam means having control over your prana. 

The pranayam practice that we offer is Nadi Shudddi, and the advanced practice is Shaktichana Kriya.

Nadi Shuddhi: Nadi means a channel or pathway in which energy moves, and Shuddhi means to cleanse. When we say nadi, we are not talking about all 72000 nadis; we are talking about two basic nadis: ida and pingala. So, when we say Nadi Shuddhi, we are fundamentally talking about cleansing these two basic nadis. To learn more about Nadi Shuddi, visit our yoga page or contact us. 

Shakti Chalana Kriya:Shakti Chalana kriya is a way to gain mastery over your panch Parana (prana vayu, samana vayu, udana vayu, apana vayu, and vyana vayu). Pranayama is designed in such a way that if you practice it daily for certain years, Sadhguru says this is enough to enlighten energetically. To know more about this, visit the following link.


Shiva, known as Adiyogi, is the first yogi and guru who taught humanity the essence of yoga. His teachings, which he shared with his seven disciples (Saptrishi), spread this ancient practice worldwide. Yoga is more than just physical practice; it's a way to understand and evolve our lives. Key yogic practices like Hatha and kriya yoga not only enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being but are also specially designed for your spiritual growth and well-being. But Starting yoga involves simple steps like yama(to do) and Niyama(not to do), which means ( Daily showering, waking up early before sunrise, loose clothing, invocation, etc.) to get the most out of this profound wisdom of Adiyogi and yoga.

Note: Discover the soul's mystical journey with classical hatha Yoga and Kranti Sudarshan wisdom. Join our Videh community for guidance and support.

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