
A way to align your body with the cosmic geometry.

Yogasana Tutorial

Discover how Yogasanas help align your body with the cosmic geometry. Learn the postures and practices that lead to a deeper connection with the universe. Click the video to explore the significance of Yogasanas.


Yogasana comes from two Sanskrit words: Yoga and Asana. Asana means posture, and yoga is the way to become one with the creator. While the body can take innumerable postures, only those that help us reach the ultimate are called Yogasanas.

Yoga is not just exercise. Unlike competitive exercises, Yogasanas should be done gently and with full awareness. The practice of Yogasanas aligns your body with the cosmic structure, leading to deeper physical and mental balance.

There are 84 fundamental Asanas, though many variations now exist, with over 600 Asanas being practised. Mastering one Asana is enough to explore the essence of life and creation. We offer 21 basic Yogasanas, with some designed for beginners and others for advanced practitioners.

Asana Categories

  • Standing Postures:
    • Padahastasana: Forward bend, hands to feet.
    • Konasana: Angle posture.
    • Trikonasana: Triangle posture.
    • Vrikshasana: Tree posture.
    • Shavasana: Corpse posture, used for rest.
  • Lying Down Postures:
    • Uttanpadasana: Rising beyond limitations.
    • Shalabhasana: Locust posture.
    • Makarasana: Crocodile posture, used for resting.
    • Noukasana: Boat posture.
    • Bhujangasana: Cobra posture.
    • Dhanurasana: Bow posture.
  • Sitting Postures:
    • Pashchimotanasana: Head-to-heel stretch.
    • Janursirshasana: Head-to-knee stretch.
    • Matsyendrasana: Snail posture.
  • Advanced Postures:
    • Sarvangasana: Full body posture set.
    • Mandukasana: Frog posture.
    • Mayurasana: Peacock posture.
  • Bandhas: Techniques to lock and direct energy after practising Hatha Yoga.

Benefits of Yogasanas

  • tick iconStrengthens the spine, skeletal, and muscular systems.
  • tick iconPrepares the body and mind for higher possibilities in life.
  • tick iconStabilizes and balances the entire system.
  • tick iconSlows down the aging process.
  • tick iconProvides balance, clarity, and intensity in life.

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