Surya Kriya

The way to free from karmic bondages and in sync with the solar cycle

Surya Kriya Tutorial

Learn Surya Kriya, a powerful practice to sync with the solar cycle and free yourself from karmic bondages. Click the video to get started.

Surya Kriya

Surya and Kriya are both Sanskrit words. Surya means Sun, and Kriya refers to inner energy processes. This process combines 21 Asanas in a sequence designed to activate nearly every part of your body, bringing strength to your body and stillness to your mind.

Surya Kriya is designed to harmonize the human system with the Sun, the source of life on Earth. Most people’s natural cycles are short, less than one month, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. Surya Kriya helps extend this cycle, aligning it with the Sun’s cycle, providing you freedom from these bondages.

The Surya Kriya Process

This is a complete process for physical health, mental wellness, and inner well-being. We teach it with great precision, from the positioning of your feet and hands to instructions for your fingers. We are particularly mindful of the breath, giving exact guidance on when to inhale, exhale, and hold your breath.

Practicing Surya Kriya daily provides freedom on many levels and prepares you for spiritual liberation (Mukti).

Benefits of Surya Kriya

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    Enhances focus and mental clarity.

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    Helps with hormonal imbalances.

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    Prepares you for deeper levels of meditation.

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    Strengthens weaker parts of your body.

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    Frees you from karmic bondages.

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