Videh Blog

Yoga and Meditations

Videh Classical Isha Hatha Yoga Introduction

Videh: A doorway to go beyond your body and minds

Published on 15 September 2024

Author: Kranti Sudarshan

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Videh stands out with its unwavering dedication to providing genuine, authentic, and reliable insights into yoga. Our unique selling point is our commitment to equipping each individual with a profound understanding of yoga in its entirety. We delve deep into the authentic science of yoga, exploring every aspect from its roots, a journey that is sure to pique your interest.

Understanding the lineage that has passed down our knowledge is essential. Our roots trace back to Shiva himself. Kranti, a certified Yoga teacher, is a key figure in this lineage. Trained under the guidance of the revered Sadhguru and certified by Sadhguru Gukulum, Kranti plays a pivotal role as a teacher and guide. His teachings, rooted in the wisdom of Sadhguru, connect us all in a larger spiritual community and inspire a personal spiritual journey, spreading the light of truth worldwide.

Videh blogs try to explore every dimension of life, including Yoga, meditation, lifestyles, food, clothes and many more. 

How did this lineage come?

 About 15,000 years ago, a being of immense spiritual significance came to the foothills of the Himalayas and sat still without any movement. The week and month passed, and there were no movements, and if there were movements, then only wild dances. So people were amazed by the stillness; the only sign he was alive was his teardrops in bliss and whenever he was dancing wildly. So everyone surrounding this area came to see if he would show some miracle. But there were no movements, only stillness in utmost blissfulness. People waited for a few days, but no movement. Then they started moving away, and only seven people were there within a few days. Years went by, and still no movements, but these seven people were there waiting to know the mystery of this stillness with blissfulness. 

After years of waiting, the being (SHIVA)  opened his eyes slightly and gave them some simple practices because they were not ready to receive that knowledge. Years and years passed, and these seven disciples practised this every day, and Shiva noticed that they were shining to receive that knowledge. Then, on the day of Gura Poornima, Shiva turned south and gave his seven disciples this secret knowledge of yoga. He became the first GURU(Adiguru) and the first YOGI(Adiyogi).

The seven disciples (Sapt Rishis)  and transmission of secret knowledge 

These seven disciples went into seven different directions of the world to transmit this knowledge. One of them is Rishi Agastya, who is responsible for transmitting this knowledge in Bharat. We are coming from his lineage. The Hatha Yoga practices that we offer are a direct result of his teachings. Sadhguru received his knowledge directly from his guru in his previous life as Sadhguru parambrahma. His Guru is a direct incarnation of Shiva.  

Modifications and variations and role of Videh 


In between, many masters and teachers came up with variations and modifications. We respect all of them for their teachings. However, these variations and modifications became very corrupt over time. Now, things have changed so much that they have mostly deviated from the root from where they came. These things happened primarily because the disciples used this knowledge for their personal well-being, and with time, it became corrupt.

At Videh, we have taken on the mission of disseminating this foundational knowledge to people and helping them recover from the damage caused by these significant deviations. Our role is to empower and enlighten individuals with the teachings of Sadhguru and other great masters who have explored this dimension before.  

We can understand this from an example. Sadhguru says there are 84 fundamental Asanas, but with time, many masters and teachers have come up with variations and modifications, and now more than 700 Asanas are practiced all over the world. We respect all these great masters, but with time, their disciples used this for personal fulfilment. Now, if you utter the word yoga, people start imagining twisting and turning their bodies in impossible ways. This is only one facet of yoga, the physical dimension. But when we talk about Asanas, there are many subtler aspects to this. One of these aspects is 'Asan Siddhi ', which is achieved when you master any Asana. This mastery allows you to understand everything in and out, even the mechanism of this creation. This aspect is something we want to bring back to the world. 

Sadhguru says Shiva transferred a total of 112 ways to know to Sapt Rishis for spiritual seekers. And after that, Parvati( wife of Shiva ) resisted and said how can you say there are only 112 ways, Shiva smiled, and then Parvati said to Shiva that she is going to research more ways. It is said that Parvati came after years of sadhana and found that there are no more ways. Then Parvati said sorry to Shiva and requested to teach her also. Then Shiva told Parvati to come and sit on his lap, and he became Ardhnarishwar. Sadhguru established the Isha yoga centre at Coimbatore and in different cities of Bharat and the world to establish this root knowledge for the world. Videh is supporting this mission in its total capacity and potential.


Videh and Videh team member 

For this to happen, Videh is doing tremendous work and supporting the Sadhguru in giving at least a drop of spirituality to every individual. Videh conducts classes and workshops in different cities in Bharat and around the world. We hold workshops at schools, colleges, hospitals, orphanages, etc. We offer services like Tapas(an online yoga program), Anubhuti ( an offline yoga program), and Paramarsa(consultancy). We especially want to emphasise the program Yogdanam. This program is designed to offer the secret knowledge of yoga to the underprivileged and untouched worldwide. In this program, we conduct Hatha yoga workshops in orphanages, senior citizen homes, schools, colleges, etc.  In this program, we also offer the material needs of the children and senior citizens, like food, clothes, etc. The impact of this program is significant, as it not only spreads the knowledge of yoga but also provides support to those in need, thereby transforming lives. 

We invite you to join this mission to bring back the roots of yoga and transform lives in Bharat and across the world. Your support is crucial; it's integral to making this happen. Whether you volunteer for the program at your local centres or connect with us, your contribution is significant. Let's make this happen together and support my Guru’s mission to offer at least a drop of spirituality to every individual.

Note: Discover the soul's mystical journey with classical hatha Yoga and Kranti Sudarshan wisdom. Join our Videh community for guidance and support.

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